Month: March 2021

Grandma’s salad dressing with cream

Grandma’s salad dressing with cream

In this post I’ll show you how grandma’s salad dressing is prepared. For me personally, this is the world’s best dressing for a simple green leaf salad consisting of a good vinegar-oil ratio, onion, cream, sugar and corn. Salad dressing is sure to come in 

Lime cheesecake no-bake

Lime cheesecake no-bake

Are you looking for a quick and tasty cheesecake that doesn’t have to be baked? Then I have just the right recipe for you here: A no-bake lime cheesecake with a biscuit base. I baked them as small cakes, but you can also bake them 

Apple Turnovers

Apple Turnovers

Do you sometimes feel like having a delicious and fresh piece of cake that is still warm and smells of butter and dough? Then I have just the right thing for you with this super simple recipe for fresh apple turnovers! These crispy and juicy