Month: May 2021

Pasta Bolognese

Pasta Bolognese

Some days it just has to be pasta – and what sauce usually fits better than a good Bolognese? You can find it in many places all over the world, but a really good Bolognese is rarely there. Sometimes the sauce is too oily, sometimes 

Pizza roses

Pizza roses

Are you looking for the perfect finger food for the next occasion or do you want to serve pizza in a completely new way? Then these pizza roses might be just right for you! In this post I will show you how you can easily 

Fudge brownies

Fudge brownies

Do you know these incredibly juicy, almost sticky brownies? This is exactly what I mean when I talk about fudge brownies. In this post, I’ll show you how you can make really delicious and juicy brownies yourself. Fudge brownies are probably best known from the 

Italian pasta salad

Italian pasta salad

Pasta salad is such a popular recipe! Perfect for barbecues, family celebrations or other occasions – pasta salad is always possible! In this post I’ll show you a delicious recipe for an Italian pasta salad with tomatoes, mozzarella, rocket and pine nuts. Italian pasta salad