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I fondly remember the many great days at my grandma’s when there was traditionally schnitzel with buttered potatoes and cucumber salad. The highlight for me was not the schnitzel, but the cucumber salad. In this post I’ll show you how to prepare the best cucumber salad grandma’s way.

Cucumber salad is actually totally simple and unspectacular. But isn’t that exactly what makes a good side dish? Something simple and unspectacular that will add the finishing touch to your food. That’s exactly what this cucumber salad is all about. It’s simple and plain, the cucumbers are sliced very thinly and dressed with herbs, lemon juice, a little sweetness and sour cream. A little oil is added to give the whole thing a salad finish.
When I asked my grandma about this recipe, she started – like grandma’s do it – to fetch the herbs from the chamber and peel the cucumber. She explained to me that she only coarsely peeled the cucumber to keep some fibers from the peel. Then she cuts the cucumber into wafer-thin slices, which can later be placed in the sauce more easily. For the sauce, she mixes a little oil with sugar, fresh herbs and lots of dill, lemon juice and sour cream. The dressing is ready. The cucumbers are then placed in it, which should then steep for a few minutes. Grandma’s cucumber salad is ready.
By the way, we always have the right cucumber salad to go with Grandma’s Grandma’s turkey schnitzel .

Nutritional Information per serving
Calories: 156 – Protein: 2g – Fat: 12g – Carbs: 9g
Gurkensalat nach Oma Karin

- 1 Gurke
- 3 EL Öl
- 3-4 EL Wasser
- 1 Tütchen Dill Kräuter
- Zitronensaft
- 1-2 TL Zucker
- 100g saure Sahne
- Dil, Salatkräuter
- Salz, Pfeffer
- Step 1 Die Gurke grob schälen und in feine Scheiben schneiden.
- Step 2 Für das Dressing alle übrigen Zutaten miteinander vermischen, mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Wichtig: Genügend Salatkräuter und Dill verwenden!
Step 3
Die Gurkenscheiben mit dem Dressing vermischen und 15-30 Minuten ziehen lassen.
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